Well the reason is very simple. All of us at some time or the other have been faced with horrible customer service, bad products, large companies which swindle out money, rude companies, poor quality products, and countless other such things. Most of the time as single individuals we are unable to do anything, these companies are too large a single customer to handle, but now thanks to the power of the internet we can.
Imagine the damage which can be done to the image and reputation of a company if we tell the world about their bad product or service? It will surely make them function in an honest and better way. It will make them treat all of us better. We will also in the process write a bit about good companies, product reviews, things which really suck, things which don't really suck, new products, new developments, etc and everything else related to consumers and customers.
We love hearing about companies not treating their customers in a fair manner, and letting the world know about them! (We also love hearing about companies treating their customers in a fair manner, even though it may sound a bit boring)
If you want to share anything or join our blog feel free to e-mail us at customervoice@gmail.com
Sounds like a dream come true for all of us! Best of luck!
I hope the guys who sold me 'really' tight shoes are reading this
Hey Customer Justice,
Whereabouts are you based? Or can we comment about customer service anywhere in the world?
Hi Deanne,
Our blog exposes bad customer service all over the world. Most companies today are global, and have operations all over the world. Bad service by NOKIA or HSBC is relevant to everybody.
Also it gives us customers more power if the blog is global in nature, instead of being focused on just one region.
Looking forward to your e-mail/message!
One thing that bugs me: Those robotic phones when I call any toll free number.
Can't we just have humans?
Who are HSBC? :-)
HSBC is a British bank. (You are joking right? You know them, don't you?)
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